ACCI calls on unions to withdraw their latest advertising campaign opposing industrial relations reform, and to rethink their messages trivialising road safety, violence and genuine tragedies for Australian families.
"The tragedy of road deaths are front of mind for many in the community right now," ACCI's Workplace Relations Director Scott Barklamb said.
"The unions' latest attack ad on the Government's IR Bill is not only contrary to community standards but is entirely misleading – none of it is true. It tries to use the very worst of road deaths to score political points on industrial relations.
"It should be taken off the air, and ACCI plans to lodge an official complaint with Ad Standards to this effect.
"The union movement should have also stopped to consider how seriously Australia's public transport industry operators and workers take the health and safety of passengers, pedestrians and other road users.
"Moreover, they should have stopped to consider how irresponsible and reprehensible it is to trivialise deliberate vehicular homicide."
Mr Barklamb said the Government's IR Omnibus Bill was a timely move to make modest and much-needed changes in industrial relations in order to save and create jobs.
"This sort of advertising campaign blows this Bill entirely out of proportion. Aspects of the amended legislation will serve both employees and employers, it doesn't favour one group over another - and we should all be committed to favouring jobs."