Rockhampton Regional Council is urging rural residents to check their property number signs to ensure they are clearly visible from the road.
Infrastructure Councillor Ellen Smith said it was important rural address numbers were always maintained and visible to ensure emergency services crews can attend quickly in an emergency.
"With having the luxury of privacy and no city lights in rural communities, comes reduced visibility at night and a greater need to maintain property numbers," Cr Smith said.
"The rural addressing system was established for property owners in rural areas of Council, to assist them to be located by emergency services, postal and other service providers and the general public.
"All rural properties in the Rockhampton Region receive free initial supply and install of rural address number signs however it is the property owner's responsibility to provide ongoing maintenance and replacement if their property number is damaged, stolen, or in need of an upgrade.
"Ask yourself this question - could emergency services crews easily identify my address in an emergency or at night?
"If not, you should set yourself a challenge to remove overgrown grass and vegetation this weekend or put in a request with Council to receive a replacement sign and post if the number is no longer reflective at night."