Department of State
- Tracking that our NEA Press colleagues are working to update our Lebanon press guidance this morning to ensure that it is in line with the updated travel advisory that went out yesterday. Our press office is tracking, and we are holding on responding to press inquiries until the guidance is updated.
- ***Only if asked: "As a result of increased security threats against U.S. personnel and interests, the Department of State" - it is at the start of the first bullet in section 2. We will be replacing with: "Due to the volatile and unpredictable security situation in Beirut….
- We're working to have the web link to the crisis intake form highlighted more prominently on our web platforms for any USCITs seeking assistance
- GPA is still planning and preparing to send a TDYer with second wave with the CA flyaway team to provide PD support.
- Host nation called for three days of mourning for Nasrallah, funeral TBD
- Embassy is open
- Six air strikes in Beirut overnight, but limited compared to recent days
- Middle Easter Airlines
- 14 EFMs departed yesterday
- 156 USCits seats as well, most were filled; a few no-shows but unclear why
- No seats blocked off on flights today, working to procure another 156 seats for tomorrow
- Airport access
- Tense on roads to airport, more abandoned cars than usual
- RSO confirms Embassy still has full access to routes
- Airport staff having hard time getting to airport
- Includes baggage handlers; may need to tell USCits only a carryon
- ~400 USCits indicated they would like assistance leaving
- There is a Ferry running from to Türkiye
- Maily for trucks and cargo, travelers will need to prepare to care for themselves if used
- Will communicate that option to USCits
- Commercial options out of the Port of Beirut difficult to coordinate
- Using airport is the preferred course of action
- Coordinating regular charters out of port would like constitute same requirements as a NEO
- No issues with arriving USCits; being treated as tourists
- Using commercial vessels from Port of Beirut to Mersin likely to cause issues
- Manifesting/screening poor
- Will cause more "special cases" and make it difficult to stick to host nation 72-hour requirement
- NEO option best option for more control
- HN will look at any commercial vessel options equal NEO vessels in terms of their preagreed requirements
- Manifesting/screening poor
- No major threat indicators
- Tracking 250-person peaceful protest near UN compound
- FEST is operational and coordinating
- PAS is amplifying Beirut's messaging on social media
- ARG/MEU (DoD forces) conducting standard training on Cyprus, and monitoring for misinfo related to it
- Nasrallah's body was recovering, waiting for reactions
- Monitoring threats
- HN evacuating it's citizens on a government plane
- Timing TBD, expect communication via DipNote later
Paris: received 14 EMF's and supporting as required
NEA/SCA/EX: With departure status, all TDYers need M approval, requesting additional names ASAP
- Working to automatically transfer incoming requests from Beirut call center to domestic call center
- CA's TF2 is running 24/7 ops
- Received ~3k requests via crisis intake form; working through those to determine what USCits are requesting
- Travel Advisory updated to reflect departure status; released yesterday
- Have TDYers enroute and on ground
- Working with Ankara to received support
- MSD is enroute to Beirut; currently in Souda Bay
- Released cable highlighting resources available to COM personnel
- Guardians on ground, more enroute
- Personnel returned to Tampa after Hurricane Helene. NIPR (OpenNet) comms are down, use SIPR (ClassNet)
- POLAD has access to OpenNet
Joint Staff: NSTR
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