Whenever there is a question pertaining to Ohio politics, media are quick to seek out the opinion of David Niven, a political science researcher and associate professor in UC's School for Public and International Affairs.
Prior to, and after the recent failure of Ohio's Issue 1, Niven was cited it multiple media outlets:
WCPO: Reproductive rights groups say Issue 1 failing is a good sign for the November abortion vote: "An awful lot of ballot questions come and go. This is one that has lasting consequences," says Niven.
WLWT: Issue One flameout has pro-choice, pro-life activists in Greater Cincinnati eyeing November: "They (pro-choice voters) showed they could get Ohioans to vote in August and if you can get them to vote in August then you know the formula for getting them to turn out in November," says Niven.
NEWSPUB: Ohio referendum jolts marquee Senate race: "Issue 1 was supposed to be the thing," says Niven.
WLWT: Abortion rights fight heats up as groups focus on November ballot measure: "To be fair, there clearly were some folks who voted 'no' on Issue 1 who aren't going to support reproductive rights. There's not a 100% overlap between these things," says Niven.
WCPO: Experts: 'Buckeye Reporter' showing up in Ohio mailboxes isn't what it appears to be. "It exists to advance right-wing and conservative causes. It maintains websites that look like news websites, but are really just variations of this mailing," says Niven.
UC's School of Public and International Affairs was created out of the former Department of Political Science, which dates to 1914. The school is widely known for having academic experts in all aspects of the political realm and Niven is a trusted media source often cited for having his finger on the pulse of American politics.
Featured image at top of flags: iStock Photo/rarrarorro.