ITU will host a press conference on Thursday, 6 April in Geneva, Switzerland on the progress of discussions leading to the next World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-23), to be held later this year.
World radiocommunication conferences, held every three to four years, review and revise the ITU Radio Regulations, the international treaty governing the use of the radio-frequency spectrum, including satellite orbits.
The hybrid press event will take place on the last day of the 2nd session of the Conference Preparatory Meeting (CPM23-2).
At CPM23-2, delegates from ITU's 193 Member States are considering the results of studies conducted by ITU-R Study Groups on regulatory, technical, operational, and procedural matters which will be discussed at WRC-23.
EVENT: Press conference on outcomes of the 2nd session of the Conference Preparatory Meeting for the World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (CPM23-2)
DATE & TIME: Thursday, 6 April 2023 at 13:00-13:45 CEST
LOCATION:Centre International de Conférence de Genève (CICG), Level -1/Room S4
(Remote participation is available. See media note below.)