ITU-UNICEF Giga Initiative Launches First Connectivity Forum in Geneva


​​​Giga​, the joint ITU-UNICEF initiative aiming to connect every school to the Internet by 2030, will hold the first Giga Connectivity Forum​ from 9 to 10 July 2024 in Geneva, Switzerland. Reporters are invited to cover the opening session in-person on 9 July from 09:00 to 12:35 CEST. 

The Connectivity Forum will explore international efforts to connect schools, including through innovations like AI-driven mapping. High-level representatives from government ministries and experts from 26 countries engaged with Giga will share experiences of connecting schools around the world. 

  • Event: Giga Connectivity Forum opening session
  • Dates: Tuesday, 9 July
  • Time: 09:00-12:35 CEST
  • Location: ITU Headquarters
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