Jaala Hinchcliffe Named Secretary of Parliamentary Services

The Presiding Officers are pleased to announce that Ms Jaala Hinchcliffe has been appointed as the Secretary of the Department of Parliamentary Services.

Ms Hinchcliffe has led the Department as Acting Secretary since November 2024 and has been appointed following a publicly advertised merit-based selection process led by the Parliamentary Service Commissioner.

Ms Hinchcliffe is an outstanding leader who will continue to bring her deep governance and legal expertise to the role along with a strong, values-led and people-focussed leadership style. She has a wealth of experience both in DPS and more broadly across government as a former Australian Commissioner for Law Enforcement Integrity, Deputy Commissioner at the National Anti-Corruption Commission and Deputy Commonwealth Ombudsman.

Senate President, Senator the Hon Sue Lines, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Hon Milton Dick MP, congratulated Ms Hinchcliffe on her appointment and look forward to continuing to work with her to provide high quality services to support the Australian Parliament, and the work of parliamentarians.

Ms Hinchcliffe's five year appointment will commence on 11 March 2025.

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