JackJumpers Launch High-Performance Training Hub

Tasmanian Government

It's game-on for the highly anticipated JackJumpers High Performance Training Centre with the tender for construction released today.

The cutting-edge facility will be located on Twin Ovals Road, adjacent to the Kingborough Sports Centre.

Minister for Sport and Events, Nick Duigan, said it was an exciting step for the JackJumpers and for sport in Tasmania.

"Our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future is about inspiring our people to get active, and giving them access to sporting infrastructure in the area they call home," Minister Duigan said.

"The High Performance Training Centre will be a first-class facility that supports the club's continued success while benefiting the wider community.

"This investment demonstrates our commitment to fostering high-performance sport and providing opportunities for athletes to excel right here in Tasmania.

"The state-of-the-art centre will provide the JackJumpers with world-class training facilities, supporting their ongoing pursuit of excellence while delivering wider benefits to Tasmanian sport and the local community.

"This prime location, paired with existing facilities and the alongside the coming Devil's High Performance Centre, further cements the area as a premier sporting and community hub."

The Tasmanian Government has been working closely with key stakeholders to ensure the new facility is purpose-built to meet the highest required standards and meets all planning requirements.

Kingborough Mayor Paula Wreidt said both council and the local community were excited to welcome the JackJumpers to the Kingston sporting precinct.

"It's fantastic to see the project progressing so quickly and the amount of excitement building in the community," Mayor Wreidt said.

"Our community has a deep love for the JackJumpers and has warmly embraced them.

"We look forward to seeing their High Performance Centre become an integral part of the state's number one sporting precinct right here in Kingston, further strengthening our connection to the team and fostering local sporting excellence."

JackJumpers CEO, Christine Finnegan, said the JackJumpers were incredibly excited to invite tenders for the construction of the High Performance Training Centre.

"This centre will be the home to the Tasmania JackJumpers, a place where high performance and community intersect to create a place of belonging," Ms Finnegan said.

"We encourage those from relevant industries with the capabilities to be part of this exciting project which will contribute to the long-term success and sustainability of the JackJumpers," she said.

Information on the tender can be found here. To keep up to date with the progress of the JackJumpers High Performance Centre, visit here.

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