James Rd Goombungee Upgraded in Road Program

Toowoomba Regional Council (TRC) has completed a significant upgrade of James Road at Goombungee under Council's Lower Order Roads program.

James Road was prioritised in the earlier years of TRC's $10 million Lower Order Roads program which upgrades "dirt" roads which had notbeen constructed to a suitable standard to at least a gravel road standard.

The roads selected for the program were prioritised based on safety, accessibility in wet weather and number of dwellings served.

The James Road project was also partly-funded by the Australian Government through the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program (LRCIP).

TRC Construction and Maintenance (ISG) portfolio spokesperson Councillor Carol Taylor said the upgrade to James Road was a positive win for residents of that area of Goombungee.

"The Lower Order Road upgrade of James Road between the road's end and Coleman Road in Goombungee was a $600,000 project.

"1km of the road was upgraded from unsealed to sealed road with improved drainage including reshaped table drains and the installation of a number of driveway culverts to improve the stormwater management along the road.

"Construction of the project was delayed at times by wet weather and Council thanks the community for their patience as the project was completed," Cr Taylor said.

TRC's Lower Order Roads program is a 5-year program of works with $2 million allocated each financial year, subject to budget approval each year.

"TRC has the second longest road network of any local government area in Queensland with approximately 6,500km of maintained council roads. Maintaining this large road network to meet the needs of residents with a constrained budget is a significant challenge for Council," Cr Taylor said.

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