Jewish, Muslim Leaders Unite in Queensland Ramadan


Queensland, Australia – 24.02.2025

As global divisions and religious tensions continue to rise, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association Queensland is taking a stand for unity and understanding. This Ramadan, the Association is inviting people of all faiths—the Jewish community, Christians, Hindus, Muslims, and people of all backgrounds—to come together for an interfaith Logan Iftar.

Distinguished Speakers

The event will feature esteemed faith leaders sharing their perspectives on interfaith harmony:

  • Jewish Speaker – David Paratz AM, Lifelong Governor of the Queensland Jewish Board of Deputies
  • Imam Mohammad Hadi – Ahmadiyya Muslim Association, Australia
  • Reverend David Baker – Churches Together, the primary ecumenical body for churches in Queensland, representing the Christian faith
  • Dr Umesh Chandra OAM – Representing the Hindu faith

The Premier and the Speaker's Office Represented at The Logan Iftar

  • Deputy Speaker of Queensland Parliament, Mr Jon Krause MP
  • Representing the Queensland Premier is Mr Hermann Vorster MP

A Call for Unity in a Time of Division

Imam Mohammad Atae Rabbi Hadi, Ahmadiyya Muslim Association, Queensland, emphasised the urgency of fostering unity during these challenging times:

"Now, more than ever, there is a need for people to come together. We must showcase this unity in mainstream media to promote positive relations, brotherhood, equality, loyalty, and friendship. Ramadan holds immense significance for billions of Muslims, and this will be an opportunity for the wider community to experience a Ramadan evening in a mosque. Jews, Muslims, Christians, Hindus, and people of all backgrounds will unite and break bread together, demonstrating solidarity in a time of division."

Honouring a Legacy of Peace

The mission of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community aligns with the teachings of its founder, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, who said:

"The task for which I have been commissioned is that the chasm that has arisen between God and the relationship with His creation should be removed and to re-establish love and sincerity and by showing the truth, to end religious conflict and lay the foundations of peace."

Join Us

This Ramadan, let us stand together as one community, one people, united in peace and understanding.

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