This introductory video explains how the jHub model works to successfully deliver capability into the hands of the military user at pace.
We connect world class technology and talent to military users
We look for market ready or near market technology. We don't conduct scientific and technical research. We are specifically interested in building 'MilTech', this is cutting edge digital technology that can be adapted for military use.
Our 5 focus areas are:
- artificial intelligence
- autonomy
- data analytics
- simulation
- behavioural sciences
- blockchain
We fund and accelerate their pilots
If there is a good balance between user need, technological feasibility and business viability, then our target time to pilot is 30 working days.
The length of the pilot is determined by the user and supplier; the critical component is that the partnership is agile.
We take successful pilots to the JFC Innovation Board for decisions on prioritisation and funding
We have privileged access to the JFC Innovation Board, chaired by Commander JFC. For successful pilots, we ask the board to make significant delivery and funding decisions
The board meets every 3 months but can be activated out of session as required. Ultimately, an innovation will be judged a success when it delivers capability into the hands of users.