Job Certainty For Salmon Workers On West Coast

Tasmanian Government

The Tasmanian Government welcomes the passing of a Bill that protects Tasmanian salmon workers who were at risk from a Labor-Plibersek review that has threatened the industry for the past two years.

Minster for Business, Industry and Resources, Eric Abetz, said the passage of the legislation has finally put an end to the uncertainty faced by hundreds of families on the West Coast.

"It took sustained pressure from our Liberal Government and the Federal Liberal Opposition to force the Federal Labor Government's hand," Minister Abetz said.

"The Federal Opposition were in lock-step with our Government every step of the way and I thank them for standing up for their communities and playing a part in safeguarding the West Coast community for years to come.

"We have always said we wouldn't stop fighting until these jobs were protected by law and now we have achieved that.

"I wholeheartedly congratulate the workers on the West Coast who worked with us to get the job done, they should be admired for their resilience.

"While we hope that the salmon industry can move on from this uncertainty, our Government will continue to keep watch on any hint of a plan from a future Labor-Green Government to unpick these laws.

"We know that the Labor caucus are deeply divided on this issue, and on the other hand the Dutton-led Liberal Opposition is completely united.

"Should the Prime Minister have to do a deal with the Greens to retain Government we are under no illusion that the salmon industry won't be at the top of the list of the Green's demands."

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