Jobs And Skills Fair: Bayside

Bayside Council will have a stall at the Southern Sydney Jobs and Skills Fair hosted by Business Chamber South at the Marana Auditorium in Hurstville on Thursday 3 April.

Bayside Council will be showcasing the great opportunities and benefits available to jobseekers looking to support the local community through a career in local government.

Like the community it serves, Bayside Council offers a diverse range of employment opportunities from frontline service delivery, professional services, trades, administration, human resources, finance and information technology.

The Jobs and Skills Fair will unite jobseekers, employers, schools, and support services from across St George and Southern Sydney.

There will be interactive workshops, panel discussions, networking sessions, career coaching and resume clinics.

Attendees will have the opportunity to discover new career paths, connect with industry and explore educational possibilities.

Jobs and Skills Fair

Thursday 3 April from 9.30am to 2pm

Marana Auditorium

16 Macmahon Street Hurstville

Cost: free

Reserve a spot

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