Joeys and firearms seized during Operation Devil Ark - Hunter Valley

Police have seized a number of items – including firearms and two joeys – during a four-day operation in the Hunter Valley area targeting rural crime.

Operation 'Devil Ark' was established by officers from the Rural Crime Prevention Team attached to Hunter Valley Police District, with the assistance of officers from Richmond, Coffs Clarence, Mid North Coast, Manning/Great Lakes and Oxley Police Districts, targeting illegal hunting, trespassing, and stock movements.

The operation ran from Thursday 2 June 2022 to Monday 6 June 2022 in various rural areas, including Ellerston, Barrington Tops, Nundle, Nowendoc, Murrurundi, Willow Tree and Timor, during which 27 livestock carrier inspections and 26 hunting vehicle stops were undertaken.

Incidents of note during Operation Devil Ark included:

- At 4.30pm on Saturday 4 June 2022, officers stopped a 27-year-old man on Hunter Road, Gundy – north of Muswellbrook – after he was allegedly located with two young kangaroo joeys unlawfully obtained. Police searched the man's vehicle and located ammunition and firearms, which were seized for forensic examination. The joeys were taken to a wildlife care centre, where they are receiving treatment. The man was arrested, and his firearm licence was suspended. He was released a short time later pending further inquiries.

- At 8.15pm on Sunday 5 June 2022, officers stopped a car in Mayne Street, Murrurndi – north of Scone. Police spoke to the driver before searching the vehicle when they located a machete and knuckle dusters, which were seized for forensic examination. A 19-year-old man from Westdale was

issued with a Future Court Attendance Notice for custody of knife in public place and possess prohibited weapon. He will appear at Scone Local Court on Wednesday 13 July 2022.

During the proactive operation, a number of unreported crimes were also reported to police, including livestock thefts, property thefts and ongoing incidents of illegal hunting, which continue to be investigated.

Anyone with information about rural crime, including livestock and property thefts, illegal hunting, and trespassing, is urged to contact Crime Stoppers: 1800 333 000 or Information is treated in strict confidence. The public is reminded not to report information via NSW Police social media pages.

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