Johns Hopkins Aims for 6,000 Donors in ONEHopkins Drive

Johns Hopkins University

Johns Hopkins University's annual giving day, ONEHopkins, returns on Thursday, March 13. This 24-hour event invites alumni, students, faculty, and other community members to support the causes that matter most to them at Hopkins.

Supporters who make a gift of $35 or more can receive a limited-edition Hopkins windbreaker to show off their Hopkins pride.

ONEHopkins rallies support for a variety of university initiatives, from financial aid for students to groundbreaking research and innovative academic programs. "Philanthropy helped me attain an education from a top university," says Ramya Sahu a first-year student majoring in applied mathematics and economics. "Without the financial aid and scholarships I've received from donors, I would not have access to the resources I have now."

Now in its ninth year, ONEHopkins highlights the collective power of generosity at Johns Hopkins. Last year, the campaign attracted a record 6,418 donors and raised $516,862.

The Office of Annual Giving hopes to build on that momentum this year. Across the university, divisions have secured extra funding in matching and challenge gifts for the day. That means that no matter where supporters choose to direct their gift, they can increase their impact and strengthen Hopkins.

Senior Julia Victoria Alumbro, a computer science and English double major, said donor philanthropy—like the gifts collected during ONEHopkins—has allowed her to explore new academic paths. "I've taken advantage of the opportunities that Hopkins classes, across multiple disciplines, have given me," she says. "I'm grateful that Hopkins donors have aided my journey. I've grown so much—personally and academically—from attending this university."

Every gift counts toward the 6,000-donor goal. The Hopkins community is encouraged to spread the word using #ONEHopkins on social media like Facebook and Instagram.

To learn more about giving options, secure a limited-edition Hopkins windbreaker for a gift of $35 or more, and/or offer a match or challenge gift of your own, visit the ONEHopkins website.

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