Foreign Affairs's list of the best of books 2024 features titles by three Johns Hopkins University faculty members: Anne Applebaum, Henry Farrell, and Sergey Radchenko.
The reviewers and editors included the works by Hopkins scholars among their list of books covering international politics, economics, and history—a list narrowed down to just 32 books from among the hundreds they wrote about this year.
Of Autocracy, Inc.: The Dictators Who Want to Run the World, the editors wrote that Applebaum—a journalist, historian, and senior fellow at the SNF Agora Institute and senior fellow of international affairs at JHU's School of Advanced International Studies—"argues that what separates hardcore autocratic states ... is the ruthlessness and reach of their dictatorial power and their deep hostility to the Western-led democratic world."
The editors wrote that Farrell's "revelatory" Underground Empire: How America Weaponized the World Economy warns of "the risks of Washington's weaponization of data power for ordinary people, as well as for the global financial system." Farrell, SNF Agora Institute professor of international affairs at SAIS, co-authored Underground Empire with Abraham Newman.
To Run the World: The Kremlin's Cold War Bid for Global Power by Cold War historian Radchenko, a professor at SAIS Europe and director of the university's Bologna Institute for Policy Research, was noted for its examination of "the Soviet Union's competing ambitions for revolution, security, and legitimacy—and how Soviet leadership, blinded by its own hubris and aggression, set the stage for the downfall of the USSR."