Join Us This International Women's Day 2025

During the first week of March, join us at a series of free events that highlight and discuss the impact of women.

Our annual International Women's Day breakfast is at Hawthorn Arts Centre on Friday 7 March. We're featuring a panel of 3 local women who will discuss the role we can all play to advance gender equality in our community. This free event always books out quickly.

Bookings are now open for a free panel discussion led by local artist Susie Raz about the experiences of female creatives in our society. Susie's exhibition 'On Whose Shoulders I Stand' is on display at Town Hall Gallery from Wednesday 29 January until Saturday 8 March.

Bookings will open soon for an International Women's Day themed Storytime at Town Hall Gallery on Thursday 6 March and an empowering workshop at Camberwell Library on Tuesday 4 March.

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