Joly Comments on New OAS Secretary General Election

Global Affairs Canada

The Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Foreign Affairs, today issued the following statement:

"Canada congratulates Albert Ramdin on his election as the new secretary general of the Organization of American States [OAS.] Minister Ramdin is a seasoned diplomat with extensive multilateral experience, having previously served as the assistant secretary general of the OAS from 2005 to 2015.

"This election is historic: Minister Ramdin is the first-ever Caribbean region national to be chosen for the most prominent position in the OAS. Canada wishes Minister Ramdin success in his new role, and we look forward to working with him in his new capacity as secretary general."

"When Canada joined the OAS, the longest-standing multilateral organization, as a full member in 1990, we did so with the firm belief that it is the preeminent political forum in the Americas for dialogue, cooperation, and regional engagement on shared priorities.

"Today, Canada reiterates its support to incoming Secretary General Ramdin and his upcoming mandate, in the hopes that the OAS continues to be one of the most important global political forums in addressing the crises unfolding in Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela.

"As one of the largest contributors to the OAS, we reiterate our commitment to working with the organization in advancing human rights, including the promotion of gender equality, and supporting democracy, security and development in the hemisphere."

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