The City of Perth Council met on Tuesday 30 July. The following decisions were made:
Hay Street back to two-way traffic
Converting Hay Street – between William and Elder streets - from a one-way to a two-way street was part of a draft concept plan for the revitatlisation of the area, passed by Council last night.
Other features of the draft plan include widening and decluttering footpaths, additional street trees, new opportunities for outdoor dining, repurposing existing public art and new creative lighting.
Reverting Hay Street back to a two-way street will give pedestrians priority over cars and create an environment which encourages people to stay rather than fast-moving thoroughfares.
Community consultation will follow shortly. Read the plan here.
Awarding of grants to increase vibrancy and energy in the City
Council last night approved the latest tranche of Business Improvement Grants, all designed to contribute to the vibrancy and energy of the City.
There were many outstanding applicants, with 13 businesses ultimately being successful for the $250,000 in grants.
Many of the businesses were in the food and beverage space industry and received grants for alfresco and outdoor dining areas, as well as lighting and façade works to their premises.
The winners will be visitors and residents, able to enjoy greater amenities with summer just around the corner. Ok, it's about four months away, but many of these premises will be ready to shine in summer.
St George… now there's a character!
The draft St Georges Terrace Character Area Local Planning Policy and Northbridge Character Area Local Planning Policy were both passed by Council.
Both plans seek to ensure that important character elements of these areas are protected, while providing appropriate design outcomes for development.
Building heights and setbacks, building design and car parking are all addressed.
The draft policies will be advertised with the City's draft new Local Planning Scheme once the State provides its approval for the City to start consultation.
Extraordinary Election to replace retiring Councillor
Councillor Brent Fleeton has resigned his position on Council, effective from 31 August, 2024.
As there is no opportunity for Council to allow this vacancy to remain until the next Local Government ordinary election, an extraordinary election will be held on 18 October 2024.
The extraordinary election will be a postal election and will be conducted by the WA Electoral Commission.