Kanayo Duru: Brunonian Maestro of Music and Medicine

The Brown University senior and head conductor of the Brown Band embraces a wide range of musical, academic and volunteer pursuits as he marches toward a career in medicine.

PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] - From music and medicine to Spanish and politics, Kanayo Duru always had such a diversity of interests that narrowing his focus proved a challenge.

That could be considered a conundrum, but it's precisely why Duru enrolled at Brown, where he was drawn to the University's signature approach to student-centered learning and unique Open Curriculum that could enable his penchant for discovery, collaboration and exploration.

"I just knew I'd be able to do everything I wanted to do at Brown," said Duru, who is now a senior.

A familiar face to many on the Brown University campus, Duru is the head conductor of the Brown Band, which is a staple at athletics events, campus celebrations and University milestones.

When he's not rehearsing or leading the band, he's immersed in his coursework as a computational biology concentrator working toward a goal of becoming a doctor. Between biology and chemistry classes and serving as a computer science teaching assistant, Duru said the Brown Band brings him balance.

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