KayDee Pratt's Drive To Design More

University of Kentucky

Virtual reality and shoes. Those are two things KayDee Pratt, a senior majoring in product design in the University of Kentucky College of Design, loves.

Over the summer, she worked on two research projects — one focused on comparing product models in person versus in virtual reality, and the other focused on creating and designing shoes in virtual reality.

Pratt, a first-generation student, said she took a leap of faith applying to the College of Design. Her weeks of work on those projects resulted in a prototype transformed through virtual reality.

It's one of the many incredible opportunities offered to UK students in a variety of fields across campus.

Pratt's story is highlighted in this year's institutional TV commercial showcasing people at UK and in Kentucky who put in the work to advance Kentucky day and night. They reflect UK's mission to teach, care, serve and discover.  

Pratt and other members of our community — who are also working to help improve the state we all serve — shared their voices for the both the 30-second and 60-second spots. While we hear only a few seconds from each of them, they have powerful stories to tell.

UKNow asked Pratt what it means to be part of the UK community — and of a legacy — of people who are working to advance Kentucky.

Read the Q&A below.

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