Keeping Peninsula pets safe this festive season

Keeping pets safe this festive season - two dogs.jpg

We all know how fun and busy it can be over the New Year's Eve and Australia Day festive season, however it can be a frightening time for our pets.

Many pets are sensitive to the noise of fireworks and can become so distressed they attempt to escape, resulting in lost and injured pets.

Leaving pets in the backyard may not be enough to protect them from the effects of fireworks. Pets have been known to jump fences or dig holes in a panicked attempt to escape the noise.

To help pet owners, Mornington Peninsula Shire Community Safety Officers will be on call for assistance on the Mornington Peninsula till 2am on New Year's Eve and midnight on Australia Day to rescue any scared pets and reunite them with their owners.

Owners of registered animals will be contacted to be reunited with their lost pets and any animal that can't be reunited, will be taken to our Community Animal Shelter to be looked after.

Dogs and cats that are registered and microchipped also have a far greater chance of being reunited with their families quickly and safely if they get lost or go astray.

The Community Animal Shelter can be contacted on 5950 1000 (during business hours) to arrange for the return of a lost pet. If your pet is registered with another Council outside the Shire, proof of registration will be required.

There are certain measures you can take to help keep your pet safe during fireworks and other festivities:

  • Keep your pet inside for the duration of the fireworks.
  • Make sure your pet is exercised and fed before the fireworks begin.
  • Close all windows and doors to minimise noise and escaping.
  • Consider turning your radio or TV on to help dim noise from outside.
  • Ensure your pet is wearing identification and Council registration tags at all times.
  • Make sure your pet's details on the Microchip Registry are updated to ensure you can be contacted if required.
  • Ensure your pet feels safe and comfortable with adequate bedding, blankets, toys and plenty of water.
  • Check in with your vet to find techniques or products you can use to help with your dog's anxiety during storms or fireworks.

To learn more about registering your pet visit

As noted by Mayor Councillor Despi O'Connor:

"We are committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of pets on the Peninsula. We urge pet owners to act responsibility and to take all the necessary steps to provide their pets with a sense of security this festive season."

"This is a great time to register and microchip your pet if you haven't done so already. By ensuring your furry friends are registered and microchipped, it means they can make it home safely and you can be reunited as soon as possible."

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