National Australia Bank
We want to help you to do your banking safely. When you withdraw large amounts of cash or make a transfer that is unusual for you, we might ask you a few extra questions. We do this with your best interests at heart as sadly, we too often see the devastating impacts that scammers have by socially engineering people. We've asked our teams to provide you the best service by making sure you aren't being put under pressure as part of a scam or criminal activity.
From suspicious emails, unusual requests to unexpected phone calls, we can help you learn how to spot a scam.
If you're ever unsure if a call, SMS or email is really from NAB, here are some simple tips to keep in mind:
- We have removed links from our text messages. If you get an SMS from NAB with a link in it, it's likely a scam. Delete it and report it to [email protected].
- We'll never send links via email or SMS to direct you to log into your NAB Internet Banking or NAB Connect.
- We will never ask you to transfer your money to another account to keep it safe - it's safe where it is.
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