Kerr Park Receives New Playground

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Kerr Park in The Range is getting an exciting makeover, becoming the second playground to be revamped by Rockhampton Regional Council this month.

Parks, Sport and Public Spaces Councillor Cherie Rutherford said the park, located on the corner of Denham and Quarry Streets, will receive a new playground as well as seating.

"This project is a great opportunity to create new avenues of play within our Region," Cr Rutherford said.

"The new playground has been thoughtfully considered to cater for kids of all ages, from young toddlers to older children with the numerous play elements incorporated within the design.

"With multiple points of entry and equipment that promotes social interaction, cognitive development and imaginative play, kids of all abilities can engage and enjoy the playground.

"Furthermore, we've also included new seating, so parents and caregivers have a place to sit and watch their children play."

The new playground boasts a balance trial, a mini maypole, double swings, hangsie rocker and a mulitplay unit with multiple slides and climbing elements.

Deputy Mayor and Divisional Councillor Drew Wickerson said the new playground is a perfect fit for the families who visit Kerr Park.

"A family-friendly park where children can play and explore is always essential to a thriving community," Cr Wickerson said.

"Through updating the play facilities, I am delighted that children will continue to enjoy Kerr Park for many more years to come.

"I thank the community for their patience while the project is being completed."

The community will still have access to the rest of the park during the works, with the project expected to be finished by the end of March.

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