King Island Shipping Services Double Amid Big Dry

Michael Ferguson, Minister for Infrastructure

The Tasmanian Liberal Government welcomes the doubling of shipping services by Bass Island Line that will enable the movement of livestock and feed on King Island.

Minister for Infrastructure, Michael Ferguson, said the Government had been working closely with Bass Island Line, TasPorts and stakeholders to support King Island farmers who have been impacted by drought conditions.

"I want to thank Bass Island Line for their cooperation which will see Tasmanians farmers access feed and be able to move livestock on and off the Island until June.

"We're continuing to engage with TasFarmers and its King Island Drought coordinators through the Department of State Growth to identify the best way we can support the King Island community through this challenging drought period.

"Over the coming weeks, Bass Island Line will be focussed on maintaining two sailings per week to prioritise the delivery of feed and fertiliser to farms on the island.

"This Sunday, May 19, a special Eastern Line sailing will arrive with donated feed and Bass Island Line has generously rearranged its schedule to allow for the berth.

"TasPorts will be waiving wharfage and port fees, and will also absorb stevedoring costs.

"The Tasmanian Liberal Government will continue to stand by our farmers and our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future ensures our regional areas are never left behind."

From January to the first week in May, Bass Island Line has facilitated the movement of 45 semi-trailers carrying 1,482 bales of hay, 8,416 head of cattle, 40 twenty-foot shipping containers carrying feed and 139 twenty-foot containers of fertiliser.

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