Kirwan Half-court Transformed With Fresh Artwork

Art and sport have come together to achieve a slam-dunk for recreational basketball players at Kirwan's Willowbank Park half-court.

Willowbank has recently been made over with a colourful design by local artist Kennie Deaner.

Division 5 councillor Vera Dirou said the newly-painted artwork at Willowbank Park had added vibrancy to the community space.

"Council is very proud to support sport and the arts on a local level, which is why we ran a competition for locals to submit a design to be painted on the basketball half-courts at Willowbank Park and Marabou Park," Cr Dirou said.

"Our local parks are a meeting space for young people, families, and sports enthusiasts of all abilities. It's very exciting to see the beautiful new design at Willowbank Park and the positive reaction from the community."

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