Check fire danger ratings before travelling
Whilst you might be busy packing the car and planning Christmas lunch don't forget to check conditions and the VicEmergency app before hitting the road this holiday season.
The CFA is urging everyone travelling this holiday season to ensure they know what fire district they are travelling to and to regularly monitor the fire danger ratings for that area.
People should reconsider their travel on days of Extreme Fire Danger Rating and know what you can and can't do on a Total Fire Ban Day – particularly those who are camping and having barbeques.
Do not travel to Catastrophic Fire Danger Rating areas – your life may depend on the decisions you make during a Catastrophic day.
CFA Chief Officer Jason Heffernan said it was important to take a break this holiday season however, no Victorian can afford to take a break from fire safety.
"We know people have a lot to think about this festive season but taking a few minutes to plan and prepare could save the lives of you and those you love," he said.
"On hot, dry and windy days, have a back-up location to visit that is not in a high-risk bushfire area.
"If you're staying in a bushfire risk area, the safest option is to leave the night before or early in the day on a Catastrophic or Extreme day.
"If you are visiting a holiday home over the summer period, making sure the grass is mowed, and gutters are clean are just some of the things you can do to prepare for the fire season we are expecting."
Victorians are urged to download the VicEmergency app and set up watch zones for the location they're visiting. That way the app will issue a notification for any fires or other emergency incidents in the area.
The CFA website has more resources and information on how to have a happy and fire safe holiday season.
Traveller safety tips:
- For all travel safety tips including the checklist, visit here.
- Learn about the Australian Fire Danger Rating System on the CFA website.
- Check the four-day Fire Danger Period forecast for your area.
- Download the VicEmergency app for real-time updates about emergencies across Victoria or visit
- Reconsider travel through bushfire risk areas on 'Extreme' days and do not travel to bushfire risk areas on days of 'Catastrophic' Fire Danger Rating.
- Stay informed and, be prepared and pack some essential items so you're ready to leave when you need to.