Knowledge Week: Exploring Future Health Tech

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
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At the Knowledge Week Health, visitors can find out about artificial intelligence in medicine, health tech start-ups and trends such as fitness, vegan nutrition and wearables. (Photo: woravut,

3D printed organs, the effects of PFAS, or current trends in nutrition: Together with TRIANGEL Transfer | Kultur | Raum, the KIT Center of Health Technologies will show how technologies are already revolutionising tomorrow's medicine and provide insights into current research, innovations, and health tech start-ups at the Kronenplatz and Marktplatz in Karlsruhe from March 20-23, 2025. The event will feature morning sessions, keynote speeches, discussion panels, a family programme and a late night show. All events are free of charge.

Ongoing digitalisation is having a profound effect on the entire healthcare system and is changing the healthcare sector. The KIT Center of Health Technologies supports this process by working on digital and technological solutions for medical products from the perspective and for the benefit of society. During the Knowledge Week Health, visitors can expect four days full of innovations from the KIT Centre around artificial intelligence in medicine, health tech start-ups and trends such as fitness, vegan nutrition and wearables.

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