The Climate Group
- On 21 May, SteelZero received official endorsement from the Under2 Coalition Co-Chair Governor Kim Tae-heum of Chungcheongnam-do, Republic of Korea.
- The signing ceremony involving Climate Group CEO Helen Clarkson and Governor Kim took place at the Asia Renewables Growth Forum, run by our RE100 initiative, which gathered stakeholders to drive action on removing barriers to the scale up of renewables in the region.
- This is a landmark moment for SteelZero as the first official endorsement from government for our work mobilising corporate leadership to drive the steel industry's net zero transition.
21 May 2024, London - SteelZero has today received an official letter of support from Governor Kim Tae-heum of Chungcheongnam-do (hereby referred to as Chungnam Province), Republic of Korea. By doing so, Chungnam Province becomes the first government to officially endorse the SteelZero initiative. It marks an important milestone for our work in the country and our role driving corporate leadership to speed up the transition to a net zero steel industry.
As the co-chair of the Under2 Coalition, Chungnam Province has been an active voice and driver of subnational climate action toward achieving Korea's 2050 carbon neutrality goal. Steelmaking currently accounts for nearly 40% of the
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