Kunanyi Mountain Run Boosts Hobart Economy


The City of Hobart sponsored kunanyi Mountain Run has already broken participation records before a step has been taken – which is a big win for the capital's economy.

The kunanyi Mountain Run is a major driver of economic activity, bringing valuable tourism dollars, boosting local businesses, and strengthening the city's economy, while celebrating Hobart's connection to the mountain.

Through the Events Partnership Grant, the City of Hobart has provided funding support of $56,800 to help bring this premier event to life.

Last year's kunanyi Mountain Run attracted 950 registered runners and a total of 2,500 attendees over the three-day running festival.

The event drew 660 attendees from interstate and overseas, who stayed an average of 4.1 nights, resulting in 3,580 bed nights in Hobart across participants, friends and family, and volunteers.

This generated an estimated $1,415,200 in direct expenditure to Hobart, injecting valuable tourism dollars into local businesses.

This year's event is already considerably bigger, with 1100 participants registered and predictions of more than 1300 by the weekend.

Of those already registered, 40 per cent are from interstate or overseas, a significant jump from previous events.

The City of Hobart remains committed to supporting events that enhance the city's economy, culture, and liveability, with the kunanyi Mountain Run being a standout example of how strategic investment in events can deliver lasting benefits.

Quotes to be attributed to Hobart Deputy Lord Mayor Cr Dr Zelinda Sherlock:

"The kunanyi Mountain Run not only showcases our city's natural beauty but also delivers tangible economic benefits to local businesses.

"We know from last year's event just how valuable our investment is — not only for tourism and hospitality but also in reinforcing Hobart's reputation as a premier destination for outdoor and adventure experiences.

"Events like this highlight the importance of Kunanyi / Mount Wellington to our city and state, which is why we continue to advocate for greater investment from both the federal and state governments to improve infrastructure, amenities, and access to the mountain."

Quotes to be attributed to kunanyi Mountain Run founder and director Lincoln Quilliam:

"This significant step up in interstate and international runners is really putting Tassie on the map, as a must-see trail running destination.

"Hobartians are also realising more and more, the value that exercising on the trails has for their health and physical wellbeing.

"We're so lucky to have this epic network of trails on our doorstep."

Pictured: (left to right) Alana Whitcombe from New Town, Keely Cooper from Lindisfarne, Conor Humphries from Gordon, Christie Work from Huonville.

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