Labor and the Coalition have today voted together to block Greens' legislation to end logging of Australia's native forests.
The Greens' legislation sought to repeal Regional Forest Agreements (RFAs), which have allowed logging corporations to continue destroying native forests without having to comply with federal environmental laws.
"Labor and the Coalition have turned their backs on Australia's forests, our wildlife, and our future," Greens forests spokesperson Senator Nick McKim said.
"Today's vote - which had the support of key crossbenchers Senator Pocock and Senator Payman - shows that the only thing standing in the way of ending native forest logging is the Labor Party."
"They're choosing to protect the interests of logging corporations over the environment and the long-term survival of threatened species like the Leadbeater's possum and the Swift parrot."
"The evidence is clear - native forest logging has to end if we are serious about protecting biodiversity and addressing climate change."
"These forests are home to endangered species, and their destruction is accelerating the extinction crisis and driving climate change."
"The fact that Labor and the Coalition can continue supporting these destructive exemptions is indefensible, reckless, and completely out of touch with community expectations."
"The Greens won't stop fighting until native forest logging is history."
"Nature is under unprecedented attack around the world, and there is simply no excuse to continue logging precious native forests while the climate is breaking down and ecosystems are crumbling."
"We're standing up for Australia's forests and the species that rely on them, and we'll keep building pressure to ensure these crucial ecosystems are protected for future generations."