Labor Governments Announce Road To Nowhere

Liberal NSW

Mark Speakman

Leader of the Opposition

Natalie Ward

Shadow Minister for Transport and Roads

The Minns Labor Government and the Albanese Federal Government have been caught red-handed trying to pull the wool over Western Sydney's eyes. Their big Fifteenth Avenue 'upgrade' announcement was nothing more than another classic Labor trick—lots of fanfare, but when you read the fine print, it is another broken promise kicking real progress decades down the road.

On 19 January, the Minns Labor Government sent out a media alert stating that 'Federal Representatives' would be joining the Premier for the big Fifteenth Avenue announcement. What they were apparently too embarrassed to say outright—but was later revealed—was that the 'Federal Representatives' included none other than Prime Minister Anthony Albanese himself. Standing side by side with Premier Chris Minns, Minister for Western Sydney Prue Car, and Roads Minister John Graham, they made yet another grand promise that won't be realised for at least 15 years.

Media reports last night revealed the shocking truth of Labor's so-called upgrade that will not be completed until 2040—if ever. And what are they actually delivering? Only a six kilometres stretch of road, covering less than half the distance needed to connect Liverpool to Western Sydney Airport. It is like claiming you're building a bridge, then only laying the first few planks, and calling it a success.

Leader of the Opposition Mark Speakman said this is Bob Carr politics 1-0-1—make a flashy announcement, take the photo, then push the actual delivery 15 years down the track.

"Western Sydney deserves real infrastructure now, not vague promises about what 'might' happen in 2040. This is another example of the Minns and Albanese Governments treating the people of Western Sydney like second-class citizens," Mr Speakman said.

Shadow Minister for Transport and Roads Natalie Ward said this Government just makes it up as it goes along.

"The people using Fifteenth Avenue every day can't wait for an extra lane in 2040—they need construction to start as soon as possible. At the last election, the Member for Leppington promised the community an upgraded road by 2027, not in 2040," Ms Ward said.

Last night's media reports made it clear that Western Sydney is getting a road to nowhere. Labor's so-called 'investment' is a mirage, designed to trick voters into thinking something is being done when the region is being left behind.

This is the small-target Minns Labor government at its worst. Premier Chris Minns, Minister for Western Sydney Prue Car and Minister for Roads John Graham all stood together with the Prime Minister Anthony Albanese pretending to deliver for Western Sydney, but all they really delivered was another empty promise.

Western Sydney is growing fast, and it needs real infrastructure to match—not a dodgy, half-baked road that leaves commuters stuck in traffic for another 15 years.

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