Labor Inaction Puts Victorians in Tobacco Crossfire

Liberal Party Victoria

Labor's inaction on tobacco wars puts Victorians in the crossfire

It has been revealed Victorian State Agencies were repeatedly warned about the dangerous illicit tobacco trade years before the tobacco wars exploded.

Members of the Allan Labor Government reportedly spent years ignoring mounting intelligence about the illicit trade, allowing violent gangs to launch a firebombing campaign across Victoria.

There have been more than 130 firebombings linked to the tobacco wars across the state, impacting local businesses and frightening local residents.

Shadow Minister for Police, David Southwick, said: "Labor has no excuse for ignoring the warnings about these dangerous tobacco gangs."

"The Allan Labor Government's inaction on critical intelligence put Victorians in the crosshairs of gang warfare."

"Victorians deserve a government that prioritises their safety - not one that stands idly by as gangs torch buildings across the state."

Shadow Minister for Consumer Affairs, Tim McCurdy, said that if Labor had legislated proactively, they could have avoided the illicit tobacco crime war.

"While other states around Australia brought in a licencing scheme and regulated the industry, Jacinta Allan sat on her hands and did nothing," Mr McCurdy said.

"Because Labor was so late to the party, we are dealing with a mess that could have been avoided."

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