Labor Turn Their Back On Tasmania's Energy Future

Tasmanian Government

Tasmania's energy future has been abandoned by Labor.

Minister for Housing, Planning and Consumer Affairs, Felix Ellis, said this was clear stalling by a Minister who is too busy getting ready for an election.

"It should surprise no one that Tanya Plibersek is sitting on her hands – dodging making decisions," Mr Ellis said.

"Minister Plibersek is dawdling, this has been on her desk since she became the Federal Environment Minister in 2022 and it's at the expense of Tasmanian jobs and industry.

"By delaying this decision until after the election, it's clear she's trying to make Robbins Island Wind Farm someone else's problem.

"The only possible explanation for why Ms Plibersek isn't making a decision is because she knows with the rigorous scrutiny having been done, her only option is to say yes to the project.

"Let me be clear – Federal Labor are more interested in shirking their responsibility as a Government to shore up mainland, inner-city votes in Melbourne and Sydney. The proof of that is Ms Plibersek approving three Wind Farms in her own state today.

"Federal Labor Candidate Anne Urquhart needs to stand up for Tasmania and explain why her colleagues are so determined to stall Tasmania's progress."

State Labor are also divided from their federal colleagues.

It was only in December that Opposition Energy Spokesperson Janie Finlay said "The Australian Government's decision to delay a decision on Robbins Island is blow to Tasmania … The last thing we need is Canberra getting in the way".

"Well, Ms Finlay, pick up the phone," Mr Ellis said.

In stark contrast, the Tasmanian Liberal Government is backing our productive industries and slashing red tape for major renewable energy projects under our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future.

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