Labor Urged to Secure Urgent Care Clinics Pre-Election

Tasmanian Government

The Tasmanian Liberal Government welcomes the announcement of three new urgent care clinics (UCC) in Tasmania, which will mean more people can access general practitioner (GP) services faster.

Minister for Health, Jacquie Petrusma, said we've been putting the case to Federal Labor for more than a year for additional UCC locations in Tasmania's regions.

"We've been advocating for new UCCs, including one in Sorell and Burnie, and we're pleased to see the Federal Government has finally come to the table," Minister Petrusma said.

"This was the worst-kept secret in Tasmania following Labor candidates advertising their sham petitions calling on their own party to commit to more UCCs.

"These clinics are too important to be an election commitment – we want to sign an agreement before the Federal election, as soon as possible.

"Our Government stands ready to assist in operating the new clinics by completing the tendering and contracting, like we have for existing UCCs.

"Unaffordable GP appointments means more people turning up to our emergency departments with non-life threatening conditions, which increases wait times for all patients and increases demand on our amazing healthcare workers.

"We continue to call on the Federal Government to lock in more new UCC locations, including another one in Launceston and one for Rosny, to support Tasmania's healthcare needs in growing regional areas across the State.

"Through our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future, our Government is pulling out all the stops to build an even better health system."

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