Federal Nationals Member for Page Kevin Hogan said Labor had abandoned Lismore's flood victims and thousands of homes affected by the nation's largest natural disaster.
"In the NSW budget announced last week, Tranche 2 of the home buyback, house raising, and retrofit program was abandoned," Mr Hogan said.
"We have suffered from Australia's biggest ever natural disaster. The state and federal Labor Governments last week walked away from us.
"Over 2,000 homes were identified as needing to be bought back. Another 4,000 applied for a house raising and/or retrofit. What are these families meant to do now?
"We are going to be in a situation where 800 or so households will be bought back from Tranche 1 funding. Yet their neighbours won't be. What does this achieve, how does this keep a community safe.
"It was always understood that another $700 million was needed in Tranche 2 funding. This didn't happen. The Prime Minister and Premier said no one would be left behind. Well thousands of families have being left behind in our community.
"Shame on the Labor Premier and Prime Minister for leaving us stranded halfway through a program. We feel betrayed."