Labor's Lie Exposed In Desperate Attempt For Relevance

Tasmanian Government

The Labor Opposition has been caught out misrepresenting Hansard and selectively using quotes to mislead Tasmanians - yet again.

Just last week after being caught out the first time, the Speaker of the House warned such recklessness was a potential breach of the code of conduct, but that hasn't stopped Labor spreading lies and mistruths.

Despite Labor's desperate attempt to distort the truth, the Premier's comments were crystal clear.

"I want to be clear that I will not be approving any request should it be received, from us, because we have to get the job done," the Premier said in Parliament on September 19.

The Government has not received any requests for bonuses for TasPorts executives and we most definitely have not approved any.

Labor has lost all credibility in their desperate attempts for relevance and a cheap headline.

Labor cannot be believed or trusted.

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