Labor's Plan To Tax Tasmanians By Stealth

Tasmanian Government

The eye-watering increase in the cost of government services under Labor's GBE profitability plan has been revealed.

Last week, the Opposition Leader announced his only plan for Tasmania was to make Government businesses more "profitable" and hike up fees for car registration, power bills, bus fares, and entry to historic places like Port Arthur.

Excluding Hydro, government businesses return less than $130 million this year. (1)

Yet, Labor believes jacking up charges in government businesses is their solution to surplus.

New modelling has shown that for Labor to achieve a surplus through government business profits, Tasmanians would have an increase to fees and charges of at least six times (2) inflicted upon them in this financial year alone.

Under Labor's deceitful plan to tax Tasmanians, 12 months of car registration will be hiked up to $3,847; power bills will rise astronomically to $13,647; and a metro bus fare will cost $18.61.

Even a visit to the historic Port Arthur will cost $297 per adult.

Under our Liberal Government, Tasmanians pay approximately $620 over 12 months for their car registration, a metro bus fare is $1.50, and yearly power bills are approximately $2,200.

Treasurer Guy Barnett said the true extent of Labor's costly plan has been revealed.

"The only thought bubble this hapless Labor Party has is to hike up everyday costs on Tasmanians during a cost-of-living crisis," the Treasurer said.

"Government businesses should deliver services to Tasmanians at the lowest sustainable cost while also growing our economy and engaging with the community constructively as outlined in our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future.

"Our Liberal Government will always do what's best for Tasmanians, unlike Labor whose only fiscal strategy is to tax mums and dads trying to provide for their families.

"Despite being a privatisation advocate, Mr Winter has chosen a path of higher charges rather than listen to the business community's pleas to support our Government's ambitious plan that invests in Tasmania's future.

"Only the Tasmanian Liberal Government has a sensible pathway to surplus that will also grow our economy while backing business and jobs."


(1) Budget Paper 1 – Table 5.9 (excluding Hydro and Mersey).

(2) Increase required in government business returns to get the Budget to surplus based on 24/25 Budget.

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