Lake Colac Hosts Free Carp Catch Festival

Lake Colac reels in free catch a carp festival Lake Colac reels in free catch a carp festival

Fishers and families looking for a fun day out these school holidays can get along to the Catch a Carp Festival at Lake Colac on Sunday 13 April.

Victorian Fisheries Authority (VFA) CEO Travis Dowling said the free event will have something for everyone with educational activities and fishing clinics for youngsters, a carp fishing competition and cooking demonstrations.

Based at the Lake Colac foreshore, the event will run from 10am until 3pm, with food and coffee onsite and a live broadcast by local radio stations MIXX FM and 3CS.

"We want festival goers to have a good time with family and friends in the great outdoors while they learn a few facts about carp and their detrimental impacts on waterway health," Mr Dowling said.

"Carp are a noxious aquatic pest in Victoria but are sought-after by some cultures and we support anglers catching them to help reduce their numbers.

"There'll also be commercial carp fishing throughout the day demonstrating first-hand how large numbers of carp can be caught and removed without harming native species.

"It's a great chance to support the local community, with the Lions Club Colac offering train rides for families and a sausage sizzle, and the whole event hosted alongside a range of market stalls."

Carp will be featured in fish biology sessions by VFA Scientist Dr Corey Green and in a collection of delicious recipes cooked on stage for fishers to try using their next carp catch.

Junior fishers can participate in a family 'Catch a Carp' competition with great prizes and giveaways, Women in Recreational Fishing and Boating Network leaders will be on hand alongside VFA staff and Fishcare volunteers offering tips on fishing locally and throughout the state.

Fishers and their families can use the opportunity to experience Victoria's largest natural freshwater lake, known as a popular spot for fishing and water activities.

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