Lakes Entrance Begins New Accessibility Facility

Construction has started on a new Changing Places accessible toilet and changeroom in Lakes Entrance. Once works are complete, the community and visitors will have access to suitable, safe, and private bathroom facilities that provide for people with disability and high support needs, reflecting East Gippsland Shire Council's commitment to creating inclusive spaces for all.

The temporary Marveloo was removed in January and will be relocated to a site abutting the proposed new Changing Places site in Cann River by the end of March.

Changing Places toilets are larger than standard accessible toilets and provide people with disability and high support needs access to suitable, safe, and private bathroom facilities.

Mayor Cr John White said investing in Changing Places facilities ensures that everyone across the shire can participate fully in daily life, without barriers.

"For many people with high support needs, access to a Changing Places facility means being able to enjoy a day out with family, participating in community and cultural events, or simply going about daily activities with dignity and independence," John said.

"Council is committed to creating accessible spaces that allow everyone, regardless of ability, to be part of our vibrant community. This new facility in Lakes Entrance is an important step in making our public spaces more inclusive for all."

Changing Places facilities are accessed using a Master Locksmiths Access Key (MLAK), a restricted master key system allowing people with disability 24-hour access to public facilities.

Changing Places facilities include:

  • a height-adjustable adult-sized change table
  • a constant-charging ceiling track hoist system
  • a centrally located peninsula toilet
  • additional circulation space more than standard accessible toilets
  • an automatic door with a clear opening of 950 mm at a minimum
  • and a privacy screen.

During construction, the standard accessible toilets will remain available at the Lakes Entrance foreshore, it is only the Changing Places facility that won't be available. The Lakes Aquadome is the closest accessible changeroom facility with a hydraulic lift bed and hoist for people with disability and high support requirements.

This project is funded by the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing and East Gippsland Shire Council.

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