Land IQ: First-Ever Land Use Data Platform Licensed


The NSW Government will licence its world-first data platform Land iQ to industry to speed up the pre-planning process and to ensure government and industry are working from the same page. Land iQ was developed by PDNSW and brings more than 200 data sources and 75 land-use data types together to allow for faster and smarter strategic evaluations of how land can be used.

Land iQ was developed by Property and Development NSW (PDNSW) in collaboration with other NSW Government agencies and in partnership with technology companies WSP Australia, Giraffe and Aerometrex.

This technology will help bolster the in-house capabilities of private sector organisations, ensuring consistency in data and methodologies across the public and private sectors, and support the further digitisation of the planning and property sectors.

Land iQ has been designed to support a wide range of planning and property work. As well as supporting land assessments and management, it can assist with land valuations and improved risk assessments of climate pressures and natural hazards.

The data will be of valuable use for the planning and property management sectors; for use by universities to support urban and regional planning research; and for Local Aboriginal Land Councils to manage their land and identify potential opportunities for future development.

Land iQ has been used by PDNSW to lead the NSW Government's Property Audit to analyse government land that could be used for more housing. It also played a critical role in the 2022 Northern Rivers floods by analysing land suitable for temporary emergency accommodation.

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Minister for Lands and Property Steve Kamper said:

"The Minns Government is pulling every lever available to address the housing crisis. We have developed an industry-leading platform that can help speed up the pre-planning process, it only makes sense that we make this critical tool available so that everyone can benefit.

Media Release Department of Planning and Environment "We want to build a better NSW, and effective land use is critical to support quality of life, our economy and our environment. By ensuring thoughtful development we can meet housing and infrastructure needs while balancing the preservation of our natural environment."

"Investing in our public service can deliver results beyond what was anticipated, and I congratulate Property and Development NSW and its development partners for pioneering this exciting technology that has been serving government and will now be rolled out for licensed use by the private sector."

Deputy Secretary of Property and Development NSW Leon Walker said:

"Land iQ is a world first data platform that uses smart technology to streamline land use planning and reduce timeframes for due diligence testing of the potential effects of different land-use scenarios.

"Its extensive analysis tools and comprehensive Statewide datasets provide an excellent source of information not only for government but private sector planners, property managers, developers and the research sector."

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