Melbourne-based fine art photographer Jenani Therone is bringing her farming-based exhibition to Swan Hill.
Her 'Land is family' exhibition is a result of more than 15 months' work making fine art creations through photography on a Wimmera Mallee farm.
The exhibition will be launched in Swan Hill on Wednesday, 4 September and will be open until 1 November.
Swan Hill Rural City Council Libraries Manager Camille Cullinan said she was looking forward to seeing what Jenani would create for the library's space.
"After attending the exhibition's inaugural launch at the iconic Murtoa Stick Shed last month, we are delighted that Jenani has agreed to produce an edition of the 'Land is family' exhibition for our region," she said.
Ms Cullinan said the unique photographs celebrated a year in the life of a cropping farm.
"The photographs showcase beauty beyond the fence lines, highlighting the lifestyle of living on the farm."
"Jenani captured these images with a sixth generation family farm in the Wimmera Mallee region."
Ms Cullinan is encouraging community members to attend the exhibition launch and artist talk on Wednesday, 4 September at 7pm, or to visit the library during normal opening hours to view the unique exhibition.