Laser Focus On Child Safety Workforce Recruitment

Roger Jaensch, Minister for Children and Youth

A laser focus on recruitment and retention of child safety officers is underway with market allowance and scholarships to be offered by the Tasmanian Government.

Minister for Children and Youth, Roger Jaensch, said there is nothing more important than the safety and wellbeing of our children and young people.

"Our Government has reformed the child safety system over the past 10 years, increasing the capacity of the workforce by about 40 per cent and reducing the number of young people entering the system," Minister Jaensch said.

"As with many other sectors, there have been challenges recruiting due to tight labour markets, however, I want to assure Tasmanians no stone will be left unturned to increase the child safety officer workforce.

"To ensure Tasmania, and specifically the North West region, can attract and retain child safety officers across the State, we will be offering market allowance and scholarships to these workers.

"I will be meeting with unions immediately to deliver these important initiatives, as well as a broader package of support and incentives.

"A Critical Worker Strategy is also being developed, with a focus on retention, incentives for hard to staff regions and other supports which can be delivered to bolster our Child Safety workforce."

The Tasmanian Liberal Government is the strongest supporter of frontline workers and we will continue to increase child safety officers and other frontline staff.

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