Last Chance for Early Bird Discounts at Pharmacy Connect, PA Conference

Pharmacy Connect Convenor Kos Sclavos AM said anyone who hadn't already locked in their early bird savings for this year's Pharmacy Connect and Pharmacy Assistant conferences to register quicklyas early bird discounts end on Sunday.

Pharmacy Connect and the Pharmacy Assistant National Conference (PA2024) are annual Pharmacy

Guild events that are being held at the Hyatt Regency Sydney on 5-7 September.

Pharmacy Connect is one of the key events during the year for pharmacists, pharmacy owners,

executives, students, interns, and industry representatives, with PA2024 being the premier event for

pharmacy assistants.

Mr. Sclavos said early bird savings would end at 11:59 PM Sunday, 30 June.

"This is the absolute last chance to save," said Mr. Sclavos, "early bird registration for Pharmacy

Connect closes at the end of this week, 30 June.

"By registering now, delegates still have time to save up to $100!" Mr. Sclavos said.

Mr. Sclavos said the programs for both events had something for everyone.

"The Pharmacy Connect program goes over two days and addresses topics like 8CPA, industry

updates, structuring pharmacy business for financial, tax and legal success, optimising business

performance through AI and much more!" said Mr. Sclavos.

"Another major draw will be the pre-conference workshops on the full scope of practice, harm

minimisation, embracing innovation," Mr. Sclavos said.

"PA2024 also has some incredible attractions this year, including a three-hour Refresher Training

Workshop on sales techniques and product update, motivational and management-focused sessions,

not to mention the announcement of The Pharmacy Guild of Australia/Maxigesic Pharmacy Assistant

of the Year (PATY) Award National Winner."

Mr. Sclavos encouraged anyone considering attending to register now to lock in the savings.

"This week is the very last opportunity to take advantage of the generous Early Bird discounts," said

Mr. Sclavos. "I really don't want anyone to miss out on these deals!"

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