Launceston Hospice Hosts Info Sessions for Community

Tasmanian Government

The Tasmanian Liberal Government is continuing to progress the new Launceston Hospice, with upcoming community drop-in sessions to be held this week.

The new $20 million hospice, funded by the Australian Government, will be located at the Allambi Building on Howick Street.

Minister for Health, Jacquie Petrusma, said the new facility will be purpose-built, providing a minimum of 10 beds for community members with life-limiting conditions and their families and carers.

"Our Government is committed to working closely with stakeholders and will be hosting two community drop-in sessions to share information about the project with the community," Minister Petrusma said.

"This facility will be an important addition to the Launceston community, and is designed to replicate a home-like environment, promoting dignity, access and connectivity to the established garden and courtyard at the Allambi Building."

"Through our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future, we're strengthening our health system."

Quotes attributable to Labor Senator for Tasmania, Helen Polley:

"The Albanese Government welcomes the progress being made relating to the new minimum-10 bed Northern Hospice for Northern Tasmanians.

"This is over 17 years in the making after tireless community campaigning, especially from Friends of Northern Hospice's Barb Baker.

"Tasmanians deserve a dedicated hospice in the north of the state where they are supported with end of life care with specialist nurses and support."

The first community drop-in session will be on Wednesday, 12 March 2025 between 10am – 2pm at Café on Frankland at the Launceston General Hospital at 274-280 Charles Street, Launceston.

The second community drop-in session will be held on Friday, 14 March 2025 between 10am – 2pm at Civic Square in Launceston.

The City of Launceston is currently assessing the Development Application for the Launceston Hospice.

Subject to necessary approvals, construction of the hospice is anticipated to begin in mid-2025 and is expected to be complete and open to accept patients in late 2026.

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