Launch Of Tasmania Reads 2025

Tasmanian Government

Tasmanians are being encouraged to discover and rediscover the joy of reading during Tasmania Reads, the state's annual celebration of stories and reading.

Organised by Libraries Tasmania and partner organisations and held between March 23 and 29, the celebration features more than 100 events and activities for all age groups.

Minister for Education, Jo Palmer, released the official program today and encouraged Tasmanians to get involved.

"Tasmania is an island of stories, and Tasmania Reads celebrates how those stories enrich our lives and help to pass along ideas and knowledge to future generations," Minister Palmer said.

"There are so many great events on offer including author talks, book launches, theatre performances, and my personal favourite, children's storytime featuring Story Dogs.

"Whatever and however you read, you can join the fun."

Kicking off the celebration on Sunday will be a pop-up library and children's storytime at the Farm Gate Market in Hobart.

Among the highlights of the celebration are author talks from Anne Buist, author of psychological thriller Medea's Curse, and Graeme Simsion, author of The Rosie Project.

Buist and Simsion are also co-authors of The Glass House and will host talks about their upcoming book The Oasis in Hobart, Launceston, and Devonport.

To locate a Tasmania Reads event near you, visit the website of Libraries Tasmania located at

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