Law Council Congratulates Margery Nicoll on Queen's Birthday Honour

The Law Council of Australia congratulates its Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Ms Margery Nicoll on being awarded a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) in the 2023 Kings Birthday Honours list.

Law Council President Luke Murphy said that Ms Nicoll has been an integral part of the organisation since 1986.

"I am delighted that Ms Nicoll has been recognised for her dedication to the legal profession. Her skills and experience have been invaluable to the work of Law Council and in particular her support and guidance to me and previous presidents," said Mr Murphy.

After beginning her career in law as a practising lawyer in 1980, Ms Nicoll joined the Law Council in 1986 and has served as Deputy Chief Executive Officer since 2009, including periods of acting as Law Council Chief Executive Officer.

"Ms Nicoll has shown exemplary leadership and superb diplomacy while at the helm of the International Division. Here she ensured the Law Council's contribution to upholding the administration of the law, the rule of law and access to justice internationally is strong and respected. This has been highlighted with her support of an independent legal profession and judiciary in the South Pacific.

"Ms Nicoll also helped establish an international program for Australian lawyers, and was the first Australian and the first female to chair the International Bar Association's Bar Issues Commission. She has recently completed eight years on the Management Board of the International Bar Association.

"Ms Nicoll's community work in Grenfell was also noted. It is a testament to her that she was able to provide community service at the same time providing critical support and guidance to the law community.

"On behalf of the Law Council and the broader law community I heartily congratulate Ms Nicoll on receiving this award, Mr Murphy said.

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