Laying Foundations For Strong Future

Tasmanian Government

Today marks one year since the Tasmanian Liberal Government was elected for a historic fourth term.

Premier Jeremy Rockliff said the Government has hit the ground running to deliver on its 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future.

"From day one, our Liberal Government has taken action on the things that matter most for Tasmanians like cost-of-living relief, improving health services, more housing options, a stronger economy and stronger communities," Premier Rockliff said.

"Our Government has overseen the biggest healthcare recruitment blitz in Tasmania's history, complementing our strong investment in improving access to general practitioners, dentists, mental health services and health infrastructure.

"We've helped hundreds of Tasmanians into their home with as little as a 2 per cent deposit through our highly successful MyHome program, and supported thousands of first home buyers to purchase a home without paying a cent of stamp duty.

"Through our Supercharged Renewable Energy Dividend, we've provided immediate cost of living relief to families and small businesses.

"We've delivered almost all the $605 million Midland Highway 10-Year Action Plan, and of course, Tasmania's biggest transport infrastructure project ever, the Bridgewater Bridge.

"This Tasmanian Liberal Government has a clear vision of where Tasmania is going, and through our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future, Tasmania will remain the best place to live, work, raise a family, invest and do business."

Minister for Housing, Planning, and Consumer Affairs, Felix Ellis, said the foundations have been laid to build Tasmania's future over the last year.

"We have rolled out a suite of key housing and planning reforms that will see homes built, and projects created across the State – faster than ever," Minister Ellis said.

"Our Government has an ambitious infrastructure agenda, with a $30 billion pipeline of works that will create jobs, back in business and drive our state forward.

"Our Liberal Government has laid the foundations for Tasmania's future, and we will keep building, day by day, brick by brick.

"We're only just getting started."

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