LDCC 'Get Ready' with bushfire response exercise

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The Local Disaster Coordination Centre (LDCC) was put to the test yesterday in a mock bushfire emergency response exercise.

Rockhampton Region Mayor and Chair of the Local Disaster Management Group Tony Williams said these types of exercises are crucial in strengthening the capacity of the LDCC.

"This is something that we carry out each year and it is always a good opportunity to practice and refine our skills for when an actual event takes place," Mayor Williams said.

"While no two events are ever the same, the scenario that was at play yesterday was reminiscent of the Gracemere bushfires of 2018.

"Our region is no stranger to extreme weather events with floods, cyclones and even hailstorms, but bushfires remain one of our greatest threats.

"It is a timely reminder that the rainfall we have had in recent months has been enough to stimulate fuel growth and the upcoming bushfire season is likely to pose some significant risk."

Deputy Chair of the LDMG Councillor Drew Wickerson said working alongside the agencies and Council staff in this exercise served as a reminder on how valuable these simulated situations can be.

"This was an opportunity to test out the different functions of the LDCC that are performed during a real-life event," Cr Wickerson said.

"Council's Executive, Operations, Planning, Intelligence, Logistics and Media worked together with Queensland Fire and Emergency Services, Queensland Police Service, Queensland Ambulance Service and SES, to deliver a swift response to the mock event.

"QFES were the lead agency in this exercise, but the collaboration and expertise from everyone in the room is a critical component of the LDCC."

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