A former political party leader, environment and policy experts, and youth climate advocates will unite for the inaugural Climate Ready Australia National Summit to build capacity and accelerate climate action in Australia.
The Summit brings together climate action leaders from professional associations, business and community organisations, government agencies and researchers at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre and online on 22-23 November.
Griffith's Climate Action Beacon and Climate Ready Initiative will host the event, with support from the event's major sponsors RACQ and the Queensland Government Department of Environment and Science. The event aims to share knowledge and thought leadership, and build capability and networks in the transition towards a low carbon and climate resilient future.
Climate Action Beacon Director Professor Brendan Mackey, who is also a Coordinating Lead Author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Chapter 11 - Australia, is among the expansive list of speakers presenting at the two-day event and said now was the time to catalyse a phase shift in climate action.
"Climate change is a fast moving and complicated issue for businesses, governments, communities and organisations, and the Summit will help support them on a path towards climate readiness," Professor Mackey said.
"The summit will focus on sharing knowledge and building capacity for climate action among Australia's peak bodies, across all levels of government, business and community organisations.
"We want to amplify action towards a Climate Ready Australia through sharing research and knowledge, creating networks, and working towards the Shared Agenda of the Climate Ready Australia 2030."
Professor John Hewson AM, a former Liberal Party leader and climate action expert, is patron of the Smart Energy Council, and Chair on the Business Council for Sustainable Development Australia, BioEnergy Australia, and the Commission for the Human Future.
Professor Hewson is one of more than 40 eminent speakers and facilitators to bring an expert lens to the two-day summit.
RACQ Group CEO David Carter said RACQ was proud to be the major sponsor of the Summit and the Club recognised the importance of coming together to empower and advance climate action.
"RACQ firmly believes in a future where Queenslanders, Australians and the global community can thrive, live and work in a sustainable world that's resilient to climate change and adapts to increasing climate risk," Mr Carter said.
"Our Club has increased its climate commitments, and we are holding ourselves accountable to targets that improve how we operate, contribute to Queensland's economy and support our members transition to a low carbon future."
Day One will include the "must-have conversations" affecting organisations that are serious about advancing climate action and enabling a just transition.
Day Two will focus on capability building and includes bespoke two-hour learning labs, co-designed and delivered by Griffith University and industry experts.
Register now: https://www.griffith.edu.au/climate-ready-summit